PW3d Blog

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Last edit: 21. Apr. 2024, 18:12h

Sailfish OS: Zimpedia

Sometimes you get into situations where the internet just doesn’t work as well as you would like it to. The connection can be poor when you’re out for a walk in the woods, or even in the city there can be dropouts in buildings and so on. If you still need access to wikis, for example, you may have a problem. That’s where Zimpedia comes in. The app can read and search so-called ZIM files. These are practically zipped versions of the website ...
Last edit: 03. Mar. 2024, 23:04h

Sailfish OS: Rumors about Sailfish OS 4.6 and new smartphones

FOSDEM took place in Brussels and there were some very interesting rumors about new versions and new supported devices, which I would like to talk about in this video. And if you’d like to answer a few questions from Jolla to help them understand what their customers want to see in the future, please let them know here (note: this is done with Microsoft Forms): Survey
Last edit: 10. Sep. 2023, 17:01h

3d Pressure from keyboard supports: The one that keeps breaking or getting lost...

Who doesn’t know them: Those little supports on keyboards that make the keyboard stand up and thus improve the typing feel. A tiny part of half a cent, which destroys the whole feeling as soon as it breaks, but of course only accounts for a fraction of the actual device. And, of course, the gizmos have to be slightly different for virtually all keyboards. But this is where a 3d printer helps tremendously: I’ve now printed several different ...
Last edit: 06. Aug. 2023, 16:15h

Sailfish OS: Situations

The Situations app is a very helpful companion for SFOS users. It lets the user respond to different situations with automatic actions. You leave the house? Maybe you want to switch on mobile data instead of WLAN? One is in a meeting? Now all indications should be switched to mute? Situations can do it for you. How this basically works can be seen in this video:
Last edit: 09. Jul. 2023, 13:35h

Sailfish OS: Shake Torch

An app that sounds really good then showed me after a few days that it also has its downsides. It’s about Shake Torch. This is a Sailfish OS app that turns on the camera light when you shake the phone. This works not bad at all (you can see it well in this video here): Only... it works "always". So, for example, even if you are in a hurry and have the phone in your pocket, or you walk with the smartphone in hand and PureMaps / the navigator ...
Last edit: 03. Jun. 2023, 19:59h

Sailfish OS: How to use all 4 cameras of the Sony Xperia 10 III

Users of SailfishOS on the Sony Xperia 10 III have surely already noticed it and at least wondered or even got annoyed that they can only use one of the 3 cameras on the back of the smartphone and the selfie camera on the other side. This is probably due to a limitation of the access options via Sony’s driver, which only allows two different camera stacks. BUT, there is now a workaround for this, which you can activate and deactivate with ...

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Have a nice day and think about how much you have payed to visit it? Nothing...
How many ads do you see at it? None.

How much money do I earn from it? Nothing.
Does it cost me something to host it? Hell yeah.

I do not see why I should provide it to you to be insulted?