PW3d Blog

A blog about 3d graphics, Animation:Master, PW3d, 3d printing, Windows 10(m) and much more.

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Last edit: 04. Jul. 2015, 12:33h

2 new video tutorials: Modeling of a hand and a foot

You can find 2 new tutorial below, which should help beginners how to create a foot and a hand in Animation:Master. Whether you want to learn more about patch modelling or you are taking your first steps in the 3d world these may help you to learn some tricks. Video Tutorial: Modelling a hand Video-Tutorial: Modelling a foot
Last edit: 21. Jun. 2015, 16:34h

Complex 3d print: Door traffic light

Today a new 3d printed piece has been produced in my small home factory. A relativly complex traffic light for doors to bee assembled. What is a door traffic light? With this you can define, whether a visitor is welcome, you are busy but if it is important the visitor can come in or if there is too much to do right now to have a visitor. This can be used for converence rooms to tell people outside if this is a very important customer meeting ...
Last edit: 22. May. 2015, 23:24h

Article about A:M in Digital Production 04/15

In the new Digital Production is an article about Hash Animation:Master v18. There you can find an article about 5 pages describing A:M v18. Reading that article should help people who never heard about A:M at all to getting started but can be intersting for an active user too. Here the overview of the DP 04/15: Content of DP 04/15 (the article "A almost forgotton 3d world" is about A:M) The new issue can be ordered here: Digital Production ...
Last edit: 09. May. 2015, 14:20h

Free tutorials for Animation:Master by Barry Zundel

Barry's tutorials are some of the best and deepest tutorials out there for Animation:Master. Starting now you can download these for free on his blog. If you want to start with A:M or you already have experience but want to deepen it even more you should absolutly have a look at these. If you does not know who Barry is: Barry Zundel has been employed by Pixar untill recently and had different jobs there like for instance Technical Director. ...
Last edit: 15. Mar. 2015, 22:34h

Very cool character rig for Hash Animation:Master

There is a new, quite powerful and easy to install rig for Hash Animation:Master called "The Saucy Rig" available. If you are an Animation:Master user or someone who wants to be one, you should have a look at this. Mack Cappele (Mechadelphia over at the Hash Forums) has called this installation type the drop-in method and it seems to be very easy. If you are interested, please have a look at his blog: Overview of the Saucy Rig
Last edit: 25. Dec. 2014, 15:23h

Very nice animation with 2d and 3d-combination

This music video animation combines 2d content made with AnimeStudio and 3d content made with Animation:Master with ToonRendering seemlessly with eachother... Have a look, it is worth it :):

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